This is an ever changing situation, with new guidelines out regularly. The documents on the page are working
documents and will be updated regularly.
The club is following Scottish Gymnastics' Step Forward Plan and more details on this can be found here:
Updated 15.2.22
Are parents/carers allowed to come in or do we sit outside in cars?
Unfortunately there is no entry into the Centre for parents/carers unless under an emergency. We will be keeping the roller shutter open as much as possible, however, you must physically distance from others if waiting for gymnasts.
Will the children be escorted out to the car park by a coach?
One coach is responsible for bringing one class into the Centre whilst another coach will escort the gymnasts out to be collected. The rest of the team will be cleaning the Centre.
What happens if we arrive early?
You must wait outside if you are early for your class. Gymnasts will not be allowed into the Centre until their allocated class time unless for exceptional circumstances.
If we are running late do we wait outside until someone comes and gets us?
No, you can come in. Wash your hands straight away and let the coaches know you have arrived and they will send you to your allocated trampoline.
Are the class sizes the same as before?
Yes, this is way below the capacity rules set out by the Scottish Government for Sport. Our Centre is 577m2 and the rule for all sport is to have 4m2 minimum per individual (this measure takes into account enough air flow and natural ventilation for a person in a building where the window and doors are closed) and this would allow us to have 139 in the Centre.
Do we have to wear a face covering?
All Gymnasts and Coaches aged 12 or over will have to wear a face covering when:
· entering the Centre until they are told to remove them by a coach
· on preparing to leave – again he coaches will tell gymnasts to do this.
Once they step over onto the mats/trampoline area they are classes as being part of a physical activity so do not have to wear a face covering. If anyone wishes to wear a face covering between shots they are more than welcome to.
Coaches are required to wear face coverings during the session unless exempt due to a health condition or disability.
What are the rules for self isolating?
The current rules for self isolating can be found on the NHS Inform Website here.
We pay via Standing Order do we really need to change to a subscription?
We won't be taking payments via standing order any more to allow us to spend the admin time focusing on the extra cleaning and safety required for our return. To be honest the reason we are moving to subscription only is because it was taking on average 20hrs a month admin time to ratify and unfortunately chase fees. With the requirements we have to operate we want to focus on the extra cleaning and safety required for our return.
Due to COVID we are also unable to accept cash at the moment. Payments should be made via Class4Kids or bank transfer.
Any issues just get in touch. Thank you to everyone who has done so already. This is a massive help. I will send out reminders tonight for anyone who has not done this as yet.
Are we going to have the same coach and group as we did before?
Some coaches availability has changed but we will try and keep gymnasts with the same coach as much as possible. This also helps minimise the number of interactions everyone is having.
Who has to remain physically distant?
Gymnasts are not required to physically distance during the session. Coach contact can resume for all pre-planned activity. It is the responsibility of the club and the coach to review the programme, understand the risk, and ensure manual support activities are kept to a minimum.
Will family groups be separated or grouped together?
Not necessarily, we know some families like to be together whereas some do not. We will be going on this as we find it improves behaviour in the class and allows us to manage the restrictions safely. The household rules do not apply during indoor sport.
Are you aloud to bring your homework to do between shots?
Yes, of course you can (and we can help if you get stuck too).
If you have any other questions please just get in touch.
Trampoline classes for ages 2+ based at 96 Fifty Pitches Road, Glasgow G51 4EB!
Registered Charity Number: SC046691
Phone: 07507268797
For Welfare/Child Protection concerns email:
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